by Cara Maclean | Apr 29, 2021
One of the complaints I hear from moms is that they must leave the house to get time alone. If they are home, and anyone else is home, there’s no peace. No quiet. I joke about moms sitting in their cars for self care, because there’s a stage of motherhood where quiet...
by Cara Maclean | Mar 26, 2021
Not to brag, but I am kind of a rockstar. My whole life I’ve heard compliments from dentists. No cavities, easy cleaning. I know, I know. You’re jealous, right? 😉😂 But there’s a downfall to this fame. After 40 years of...
by Cara Maclean | Mar 2, 2021
Getting an actual newspaper delivered has been a good family decision. We all have our favorite sections. While the comics are usually the boys’ favorite, one strip caught my eye this morning. A woman announced she’d decided to stop coloring her hair. As the...
by Cara Maclean | Feb 9, 2021
Want to know one of my biggest regrets? In high school, my boyfriend was a huge golfer. (That’s not the regret.) He loved golf. He wanted to play all the time, watch it on TV, and talk about it endlessly. He offered to teach me. I said no. ...
by Cara Maclean | Jan 27, 2021
Most gifted kids don’t go on to win Nobel prizes or change the world. Certainly some do, but they are the exception in an already exceptional group. Many dynamics influence people’s futures and many ways to be gifted, but social factors influence us more than we...