Gray Hair & Life: What’s Your Comfort Zone?

Gray Hair & Life: What’s Your Comfort Zone?

Getting an actual newspaper delivered has been a good family decision. We all have our favorite sections. While the comics are usually the boys’ favorite, one strip caught my eye this morning. A woman announced she’d decided to stop coloring her hair. As the...
How to Parent without Regret

How to Parent without Regret

Want to know one of my biggest regrets?    In high school, my boyfriend was a huge golfer. (That’s not the regret.) He loved golf. He wanted to play all the time, watch it on TV, and talk about it endlessly. He offered to teach me.    I said no.   ...
Both Sides of Too Much

Both Sides of Too Much

You’re too intense. Too serious. Too quiet. Too loud. Too opinionated. Too…   Chances are you’ve had someone tell you that you’re “too” something. Perhaps it’s something from childhood that sticks around in your psyche, or maybe someone pointed it out...
Enough of the Silent Force

Enough of the Silent Force

Digging through old school records, I found one of my elementary report cards. In the comments on the back, my 4th grade teacher* had written: “Cara is a silent force.” It made me laugh, because she was right. I got things done, did them well, and...
What’s your flavor of “busy”?

What’s your flavor of “busy”?

Each night as I snuggle into bed, mold the pillow into shape, and close my eyes, a reckoning occurs. I know immediately if I’ll be able to go to sleep quickly. Most nights the answer is no.    My brain sees bedtime as space to create, think, and develop ideas....
Embrace your quirks. Here’s why.

Embrace your quirks. Here’s why.

It’s time for all of us to embrace our unique qualities. To play and enjoy. To design life through creating. As a parent of differently wired and unique children, you are in a prime spot to encourage this creative exploration. But a shift toward creativity and...