Unexpectedly Tough: What’s Your Future Vision?

Unexpectedly Tough: What’s Your Future Vision?

One of the questions I’ve asked my parent interviewees* at the end of our conversation is what they envision for the future, for their families and themselves. It’s been a hard question.    Most don’t have a clear answer, and many state honestly that they’re...
Are you in Air Traffic Control Mode?

Are you in Air Traffic Control Mode?

One of the complaints I hear from moms is that they must leave the house to get time alone. If they are home, and anyone else is home, there’s no peace. No quiet. I joke about moms sitting in their cars for self care, because there’s a stage of motherhood where quiet...
How to Parent without Regret

How to Parent without Regret

Want to know one of my biggest regrets?    In high school, my boyfriend was a huge golfer. (That’s not the regret.) He loved golf. He wanted to play all the time, watch it on TV, and talk about it endlessly. He offered to teach me.    I said no.   ...
I’m Writing a Book!

I’m Writing a Book!

Most gifted kids don’t go on to win Nobel prizes or change the world. Certainly some do, but they are the exception in an already exceptional group. Many dynamics influence people’s futures and many ways to be gifted, but social factors influence us more than we...
Both Sides of Too Much

Both Sides of Too Much

You’re too intense. Too serious. Too quiet. Too loud. Too opinionated. Too…   Chances are you’ve had someone tell you that you’re “too” something. Perhaps it’s something from childhood that sticks around in your psyche, or maybe someone pointed it out...
Searching for a solution to the puzzle?

Searching for a solution to the puzzle?

Our culture loves certainty. We love being right. We idolize right answers, and demonize those who can’t give clear, definitive right answers. Too wishy-washy. Too waffly.   When I was a student, I strived for right answers. Right answers meant success. The world...