The Little Things Add Up!

The Little Things Add Up!

When you have big dreams, high expectations, or small children, it’s easy to forget the impact of little things. You want progress, leaps, and results. You might even say, “It’ll be great when…” or “I’ll be happy...
What’s Missing from the Self Care Discussion

What’s Missing from the Self Care Discussion

We’ve all been there. Feeling so exhausted you’re not sure what you used to do for fun. Finally a moment to yourself and all you want to do is sleep. Losing your mind about a seemingly small detail because it’s all built up day after day, and that was the last straw. ...
What to do when it’s all too much.

What to do when it’s all too much.

Yesterday, my youngest sang Hamilton songs while doing dishes. (We’re late to the Hamilton party, but glad to finally understand the hype.) After singing “Look around, look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now”, he looked at me and said,...
The best tool in your toolbox.

The best tool in your toolbox.

I organize a local writing group, and recently we were having a discussion about humor. How to weave humor into our writing to connect with an audience, tell a story, or develop characters. It got me thinking: How often do we think about humor in real life?  ...