The Must Do List for Moms

The Must Do List for Moms

You love to-do lists. (Love to hate them, maybe.) Whether you scribble a quick list everyday or input all your tasks into an Excel spreadsheet, I totally get it. Lists keep you moving.    Storing information only in your brain takes up precious space like open...
Are you Too Good?

Are you Too Good?

Not to brag, but I am kind of a rockstar. My whole life I’ve heard compliments from dentists. No cavities, easy cleaning. I know, I know. You’re jealous, right? 😉😂       But there’s a downfall to this fame.       After 40 years of...
Both Sides of Too Much

Both Sides of Too Much

You’re too intense. Too serious. Too quiet. Too loud. Too opinionated. Too…   Chances are you’ve had someone tell you that you’re “too” something. Perhaps it’s something from childhood that sticks around in your psyche, or maybe someone pointed it out...
What’s your flavor of “busy”?

What’s your flavor of “busy”?

Each night as I snuggle into bed, mold the pillow into shape, and close my eyes, a reckoning occurs. I know immediately if I’ll be able to go to sleep quickly. Most nights the answer is no.    My brain sees bedtime as space to create, think, and develop ideas....
Searching for a solution to the puzzle?

Searching for a solution to the puzzle?

Our culture loves certainty. We love being right. We idolize right answers, and demonize those who can’t give clear, definitive right answers. Too wishy-washy. Too waffly.   When I was a student, I strived for right answers. Right answers meant success. The world...
Surprise! An unexpected gift warms my heart.

Surprise! An unexpected gift warms my heart.

My parents sent a mystery gift that arrived last night. A lamp shade gave away it’s identity, but as I pulled it out of the box, I wondered if it would be a leg lamp, a la A Christmas Story. Nope! It’s still different though! It’s made out of an airplane...