The Little Things Add Up!

The Little Things Add Up!

When you have big dreams, high expectations, or small children, it’s easy to forget the impact of little things. You want progress, leaps, and results. You might even say, “It’ll be great when…” or “I’ll be happy...
Are you Too Good?

Are you Too Good?

Not to brag, but I am kind of a rockstar. My whole life I’ve heard compliments from dentists. No cavities, easy cleaning. I know, I know. You’re jealous, right? 😉😂       But there’s a downfall to this fame.       After 40 years of...
Both Sides of Too Much

Both Sides of Too Much

You’re too intense. Too serious. Too quiet. Too loud. Too opinionated. Too…   Chances are you’ve had someone tell you that you’re “too” something. Perhaps it’s something from childhood that sticks around in your psyche, or maybe someone pointed it out...
Stuck in a story? Rosie, Cinderella, or ?

Stuck in a story? Rosie, Cinderella, or ?

The other day my husband and I unearthed our childhood photo albums. They were tucked away in the closet under the stairs like a collection of obedient, rectangular Harry Potters waiting for someone to notice them. My husband found his old track album filled with...
What to do when it’s all too much.

What to do when it’s all too much.

Yesterday, my youngest sang Hamilton songs while doing dishes. (We’re late to the Hamilton party, but glad to finally understand the hype.) After singing “Look around, look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now”, he looked at me and said,...
What colors your lens?

What colors your lens?

The world is full of multiple perspectives. It fascinates me to try and understand how the world looks to other people. Even in our own homes, everyone has their own special lens through which they see the world. Ultimately, it’s my own perspective that filters my...